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Abortion Education

Facing an unplanned, unexpected, or unwanted pregnancy, can fill you with fear and confusion. Don’t allow these emotions to consume you. We understand what you are feeling.

Are you considering abortion for any of the following reasons?


Parents’ Disappointment

Yes, they may be disappointed, but they love you. Remember abortion involves the life of their grandchild. Open and honest communication is the key. Your parents are not perfect and have had their own struggles. They will understand and want the best for you. We can help and provide healthy options for you, your baby, and family. 


You may be thinking, there is no way I can afford a baby. There are many organizations and agencies right here in your community that are willing to support you and your baby. We have a great referral program and can help you get connected based on your needs by providing a good, healthy outcome for both you and your baby.

My Dreams

You may be thinking, what about my dreams? I want to finish school...have a maybe you don't want children at all.

We understand that an unplanned pregnancy can turn your world upside down but there are many healthy options we can educate you about. Be encouraged, your dreams can still become reality!


It's Legal

Yes it is legal, but there are many things legal that can be damaging to you. It is our goal to educate you on these things and empower you to make the best healthy choices for yourself. Don't depend on the legal system to make these choices for you, especially those concerning morality. Does the legal system really care about you? We do!


You may be feeling pressure from a boyfriend or even a parent. The boyfriend may not want to be a father or is threatening to leave you. Your parents may feel this will impact their own lives in a negative way.

Boyfriends come and go and you have to make the best decision for you and your baby. Your parents may need some education as well and only want what is best for you.

It's A Mistake

You may be thinking, the intercourse was a mistake... the guy was a mistake... this pregnancy is a mistake...but the reality is conception has taken place and you can't turn back time.

Remember there is now a baby, but it is not the end of the world. In fact, it could be an opportunity for you to model very honorable acts!

It's Not A Baby Yet

You may think the pregnancy is just a blob of tissue but immediately at conception DNA and the makeup of your baby (eye color, sex, etc.) are present. The baby's heart is beating by the time your pregnancy is able to be confirmed. It is in fact a baby and an ultrasound can confirm this even at the earliest stages of development.


Rape, Incest, Terminal Medical Diagnosis

Under any of these circumstances carrying this baby just seems unthinkable but don't let these circumstances lead you to choose abortion which will just add more emotional trauma to your life. We have a great referral program, people who will support and come along side you during these uncomfortable times for a greater outcome.


TRUTH IS: Abortion is offered as a choice so freely given to you and sometimes you may think that abortion is the only way. There are many damaging emotional and physical risks of abortion that you need to be aware of before you decide.Some of these include:

Physical Risks

Heavy Bleeding         



Damage to Cervix    

Scarring of the Uterus    

Damage to Internal Organs

Breast Cancer







Self Destructive Behavior

TRUTH IS: Abortion is not the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy. Let us help you!

Emotional Risks







Unable to Bond




Coastline Women’s Center

1607 Ninth Avenue

Conway, S.C. 29526

(843) 448-9971

Hours: 10 AM - 5 PM

Mon - Wed - Thurs

Transforming The Lives Of Those We Serve